Beef Tripe

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Beef tripe is tasty, healthy and the perfect way to give your dog a delicious natural reward. Perfect as a small treat or snack. Natural, green beef tripe is very rich in nutrients, has an intense scent and can positively impact upon your dog’s intestinal flora. Tripe: the magical mystery meat that dogs crave and humans fear! Tripe seems to be the line in the sand drawn between beginning raw feeders and the ‘been there, done that’ old pros.

If you are among the uninitiated, then you will find feeding tripe to be a real treat (as will your dog).

Not only will tripe provide immense health benefits for your dog, it will catapult you to the rank of seasoned raw feeder, just one rung below raw feeders who scoop road kill off the road and tote it home in their trunk to proudly offer as a gift for their furry charges!

What is tripe?
Tripe is the stomach of a ruminating (grazing) animal including cows, buffalo and sheep. The unique stomachs of ruminants have four chambers which systematically break down grasses with a slew of digestive enzymes, gastric juices and amino acids.

You may have seen tripe on the grocery store shelves in a white and bleached form. This is not what you want to feed your dog: it is devoid of any real value. What you want to feed is ‘green tripe’, the stuff that comes right out of the animal, dripping with all of those wonderful juices.

Why does it have to be green?
The same digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria that help the ruminant animal digest foodstuff will do the same for your dog.

Think how much money you can spend on digestive enzymes and probiotics in a bottle and those same wonderful, natural substances are in abundance in green tripe.

Digestive enzymes aid in digestion, meaning the body does not have to expend as much energy when digesting a meal.

This means your dog gets the most nutritional benefit from his meals. Digestive enzymes also do much more than aid in digestion: they purify and cleanse the blood and remove toxins, parasites and fungus. They also improve metabolism, hormonal function and boost the immune system.

Cooking destroys digestive enzymes, so it is important that your dog’s tripe is not only green, but raw.

If your dog eats a cooked or commercial diet, then he may be suffering from enzyme deficiency. The signs of this can include anxiety, lack of energy, chronic diarrohea and digestive problems, gingivitis, viral and bacterial infections and yeast overgrowth.

If your dog suffers from any of these disorders, consider the value of adding green tripe to his diet or increasing the amount you currently feed him.

The gut is populated by hundreds of different kinds of bacteria or microflora which are divided into the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’. The ‘bad’ bacteria are those responsible for health complaints and some of their members include e- coli, salmonella, campylobacter and listeria.

These are the bacteria contained in foods and the environment that could potentially make your dog sick: if it weren’t for the protection of the ‘good’ bacteria.

The good bacteria improve immune function simply by outnumbering the bad bacteria and maintaining a healthy microflora in the gut.

Green tripe is loaded with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, one of the bacterial ‘good guys’.

Your dog’s gut can only feed so many micro organisms, so the more ‘good’ bacteria he consumes, the less ‘bad’ bacteria will find anything to eat in his gut and they will get crowded out.

Many health issues are caused by imbalance in the microflora.


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